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Endangered and Poached

Rhino 犀牛
In memory of a Northern White Rhino died yesterday. Hope the last surviving male rhino can save its species from extinction!!
Sumatran Elephant 蘇門答臘象
There're only about 600 Sumatran elephants left in the world. They are the smallest of the Asian elephants, have smaller ears than African elephants, and are critically endangered. According to recent studies, species of vertebrates are dying out up to 114 times faster than they would have without human activities. Which means, the number of species that went extinct in the past 100 years would have taken 11,400 years to go ext...inct under natural extinction. The current extinction rates are as high as 1,000 times if included flowering and cone-bearing plants... Earth is undoubtedly in the midst of its "Sixth Mass Extinction"!
蘇門答臘象是目前極度瀕危的物種,全球只剩 600 隻左右。牠們是亞洲象種裡面體型最小的,耳朵比非洲象小。據科學家的研究,地球上脊椎動物物種自 1900 年以來的消失率是過去的 114 倍,換句話說,這一百年內消失的物種在沒有人為活動的自然情況下應該是要花上 11400 年的時間才會滅絕。如果加上開花和球果植物,滅絕率高達 1,000 倍... 地球無疑是進入了第六次物種大滅絕!!
Leatherback Sea Turtle 稜龜
Leatherback sea turtule is the largest sea turtle species, and also the most migratory. It is critically endangered and the only sea turtle that has somewhat flexible and rubbery thin skin rather than a hard shell, allowing them to dive to a great depths (more than 4,000 ft). Truly one of a kind!! Human is also one of a kind. We may be the only animals that can overcome our physical limitation and achieve anything we set our mind to. But that doesn't mean we are the best and the smartest; it simply means we could also be the worst and the most lost.
稜龜目前也是極度瀕危的物種,牠是體型最大、移棲距離最遠,而且唯一沒有硬殼的海龜,牠的背是由一層像皮革般有彈性的皮膚構成,而使牠們能夠深潛約 1200 公里之深,真的是絕無僅有!人類也是非常獨特,我們可能是唯一能夠克服先天障礙達成各種夢想、目標的動物。但這並不表示我們就是最優、最聰明的物種;這不過意味著我們可能同時也是最糟糕、最迷惘的動物。
Cross River Gorilla 克羅斯河大猩猩
Cross River gorilla is the most endanagered great apes, with fewer than 300 individuals left in the world. Gorillas's diet is made up of vegetaion (eat insects and small animals occasionally), which is prrobably why they usually don't need to drink water from lakes or streams. They get all of the moisture they need from their food and morning dew. Humans are naked apes, and we drink water. An interesting hypothesis actually suggests that humans may be aquatic apes: a branch of primitive ape was forced by competition from life in the trees to feed on the sea shores and to hunt for food in the shallow water off the coast where man could stand being in the water for relatively long period of time...
克羅斯河大猩猩是大猩猩分支當中極度瀕危的物種,目前預估剩下不到 300 隻。大猩猩的飲食以蔬果為主 (偶爾吃昆蟲和小動物),因此通常不喝水,而從食物和露水攝取所需的水分。而人類是唯一光身的人猿,因此有個有趣的假說認為人類有可能是人魚演化而來的:人猿的分支可能因為競爭被迫朝淺水海岸覓食,而慢慢演化脫毛,並可在水中待上很久的時間...
Endangered and Poached

Endangered and Poached

The death of Cecil the lion and one of the 5 remaining Northern White Rhino in the world has triggered all kinds of conversations. The rapid rate Read More
